Watersheds to Sea Changes
Our oceans are losing millions of sea life due to climate change, plastic pollution, and over-fishing.
Art can bypass fear and build knowledge, while promoting positive change to communicate our loss,
our choices and our future. – Kira Carrillo Corser, Director, Sea Changes ACT Project

On April 22-24, the 50th anniversary of Earth Day, millions of people around the world are going online for a three-day mobilization to stop the climate emergency.
Join us for three days of action — from teach-ins, musical performances, divestment, and more. All you need is an internet connection. Together, we can transform our world into one that is not only safe and sustainable, but flourishes for generations to come.
Be A Part Of The Solution!
Sea Changes: ACT – Protecting Our Oceans Through Art and Science is a collaborative project with scientists, artists and citizens concerned about changes destroying our oceans. We especially have focused on Climate Change, Plastic Pollution and Over fishing issues.
Climate Change

Plastic Pollution

Is there a really a trash island the size of Texas in the ocean? Take a look at some of the myths and facts about garbage patches.
Read More →
Climate Change

What is Sustainable fishing and how should we support it? What fish should we buy? Read More →
We know art strengthens communities and reaches across cultural and economic lines. We believe in creativity used in communication and in promoting innovation for solutions.
We urge you to act, to join us in activities that communicate science through new media and other arts for informed civic-minded active communities!
Sea Changes ACT is now inviting other scientists and artists to join us! Tell us what you are doing, join in exhibitions and online outreach with us, please show us your ideas. We believe that art can open the heart and facts open the paths to protecting the planet. Contact Us.