Watersheds to Sea Changes
Our oceans are losing millions of sea life due to climate change, plastic pollution, and over-fishing.
Art can bypass fear and build knowledge, while promoting positive change to communicate our loss,
our choices and our future.
– Kira Carrillo Corser, Director, Sea Changes ACT Project

Do you have ideas, talents, volunteer time? Do you want to help?

Dr. Brian Stacy, NOAA veterinarian Cleans a young Kemp's ridley turtle Photo: NOAA/GADNR

Dr. Brian Stacy
NOAA veterinarian cleans a
young Kemp’s ridley turtle

Plastic pollution, unsustainable fishing practices, and climate changes, especially the changes concerning C02 rising levels that are destroying coral reefs, are critically endangering the future of our oceans and the future of our planet. Our mission is to make a collaborative effort with national, state and local scientists and artists to save ocean life and motivate the public to take action.

The timing of this project is critical: California has put new fish protections off the coast to grow endangered populations; a growing number of California cities are leading the way by providing regulations to help reduce plastic pollution and there is a world movement in researching acidification caused by warming climates that is weakening and killing ocean shelled creatures.


Would you like to help?

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10 Things
You Can Do
to Save the Ocean

10 ways to save oceans