Watersheds to Sea Changes
Our oceans are losing millions of sea life due to climate change, plastic pollution, and over-fishing.
Art can bypass fear and build knowledge, while promoting positive change to communicate our loss,
our choices and our future. – Kira Carrillo Corser, Director, Sea Changes ACT Project
About Sea Changes – It’s Contributors, Collaborators & Supporters
This team is composed of artists and scientists who are concerned about the destructive changes in the oceans, including: plastic pollution, dwindling fish populations, acidification due to climate change. We started in California and are now connecting internationally. Each member of the team has a strong background related to the environmental conservation, public policy, or education. See more below …
Sea Changes ACT Phase I
Exhibitions & Project
Activities 2011 – 2014
Team Leader & Project Director:
- Kira Carrillo Corser
Cell: 510.684.4651
PHASE I • 2011 – 2014
- Victor Angelo
International painter, sculptor - Val Cannon
Scientist, NOAA, taught at Birch Aquarium now in Texas working as Marine Scientist and Environmental Consultant at American Bureau of Shipping - Lauren Carrera
Painter, sculptor, installations - Michele Kurtis Cole
Glass art, coral regenerationSea Changes Team member, Michelle Kurtis Cole has been a diver for 30 years
- Kira Carrillo Corser
Artist, educator known for affecting policy and social change - Sam Iacobellis, PhD
Professor, Research Specialist with Scripps Institution of Oceanography, organized video of Surfer Legends - Marcia Perry
Climate painter, co-founder (YAC) Youth Arts Collective in Monterey - Marjorie Pezzoli
Silk painting, glass art, recycled plastic jellyfish - Debbie Solan
Glass art, recycled plastic jellyfish, 3 D mixed media paintings - Dale Sweetnam Ph.D
Deputy Director of Fisheries, Division of the SW Fisheries Science Center, NOAA - Deb Wilson Vandenberg
Senior Marine Biologist, CA Fish & Wildlife, fishing regulations management, researcher - Caitlin B. Whalen
Graduate student at Scripps Institution of Oceanography, sculptor on implications of climate change - Tim Lueker, Ph.D.
Carbon Researcher, Keeling Curve, Scripps, teaches about coral acidification and climate solutions using high school mosaic art classes
Individuals Contributing in Panel Discussions, Advising, etc.
- Tyde Richards
IEEE Computer Engineer - Jennifer Colby Ph.D.
Professor, artist and President of the Aromas School Board and member of the Monterey Bay Women’s Caucus for Art - Ellen Martin
Executive Director of First Night Monterey Artworks! Outreach, sponsored Mami Wata Save the Sea Project and the Plastic Vortex – recycled plastic creatures and structures made by Kira with community and school. - Christopher Schuck
Head Master
La Jolla Country Day School - Glenn Pezzoli
Manager of the Ship of Opportunity Program doing Research for Scripps Institution of Oceanography, Surfer - Mary Marshall
Diver, video of ocean creatures used in Virtual Undersea - Terry Williams, PhD www.biospherology.com, info@biospherology.com
Scientist, artist, writer, and musician. Promoting Biospherology, the concept of an integrated science of the biosphere - Addie Chernus
Hand painted silk banners, www.addiesilkart.com
Sea Changes ACT Phase II

New people joining us!
Aug 2014 – 2015
- Patrick Watson
Design Faculty, School Of Information Technology and Communication Design, California State University, Monterey Bay, pwatson@csumb.edu - Qinqin Liu, Ph.D.
Senior Environmental Scientist, Integrated Water Management, Department of Water Resources, Sacramento qliu@water.ca.gov - Amber Pairis, Ph.D.
Lead, San Diego Climate Science Alliance / Strategic Conservation Planning for the South Coast Region
adpairis@gmail.com - Nina Paris
First Night Monterey Art Director
and 3 D artist - Jocelyn Varela
California State University Monterey Bay, Capstone student project
jovarela@csumb.edu - Roxanna Maria Sullivan
Sculptor, Figurative Artist,
San Diego Sculptor’s Guild(SDSG)
San Diego Visual Arts Network
Patricia Frischer, Coordinator for have been advising our team. Our artists and scientists thank SDVAN for the DNA of Creativity Grant for seed money to start our project.
First Night Monterey
FNM is a SUPPORTER and a COLLABORATOR in Dec. 2014. Ellen Martin, Executive Director www.firstnightmonterey.org FNM 2015 “SeaChanges: The Seaquel” Outreach Year-Round Program, FNM Community Celebration of the Arts on News Years Eve in Historic Downtown Monterey, FNM was inspired to use Sea Changes as the year’s theme.
Arts Council for Monterey County
ACMC awarded a 2014 grant for Fishing Exhibition Series (including Sea Changes with 3 Panel Discussions of scientists and artists) at the Museum of Monterey. Mi Planeta/My Planet was funded by the California Arts Council, Kira wrote the first plan for this project in 2010
Oceanside Museum of Art
OMA curated and promoted a 6 month exhibition of Sea Changes ACT, as part of the larger show featuring the DNA of Creativity teams of scientists and artists funded by the SAN DIEGO VISUAL ARTS NETWORK/SYNERGY FOUNDATION
Museum of Monterey
Guest curator Dr. Jennifer Colby. 3 month exhibition of Sea Changes ACT artworks, video screenings and 3 public panel discussions with scientists and artists, and science and arts organizations including the Monterey Bay Sanctuary, Moss Landing Marine Labs, The Arts Council for Monterey County, First Night Monterey, CA Fish and Wildlife, and Monterey Bay Aquarium
Exhibitions in Monterey County are dedicated in memory of Jud Vandevere, a strong advocate for saving sea otters, who taught ocean science at the Monterey Bay Aquarium and Pt. Lobos.
We dedicated our project in San Diego County in memory of Alyssa Pezzoli, the 19-year-old daughter of two of our Sea Changes ACT Team members, Marjorie and Glenn. Alyssa drowned in a swimming accident in 2013.